Friday, September 2, 2011

beard hairs

Sometimes my husband shaves everyday.. Sometimes he will go WEEKS without shaving....
But I promise you that if I clean the bathrooms, THAT is the day that he will shave... and leave little tiny hairs on the

I have to give him credit tho, he does always try and wipe them up...:)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

crappy mommy

Yuck. It is only 6:02 am but I have already been up for over an hour. How can someone be up for an hour and already manage to yell at their poor children three times and turn into a total douche? Me me me.
These past few weeks have really sucked. We left for NAgs Head last Saturday morning. We were supposed to stay for about a week but had to evacuate after only 3 days because of Hurricane Irene. The day before we were running around like crazy buying snacks and stuff for the beach, but in the midst of all of that we had to go to the bank because someone hacked into my bank account and were ordering themselves all sorts of little goodies paid for by my husband and I.. yaay.. that was a huge mess and a lot of time to clean up.. I spent about 2 hours at the bank filling out paperwork so that our money could be returned to us. The second day at the beach I got a call from the bank guy who said "Im so sorry Mrs. Webb, but when you were here last Friday I forgot to have you sign one of the lines so I can get your money back until you come in and sign this line" .... Suuuuuckin!
Anyways, we evacuated on day 3 because of the storm... came home and washed about 14 loads of laundry and spent another $50 or so on water and non perishable food items... The storm started early Friday morning and we lost power around noon.. I packed as much from the fridge as I could into coolers to try and save some of our food.. Our power was off for 48 hours and I had to throw everything out. The net on our trampoline outside ripped to shreds.. but overall we were very lucky. We stayed the night at our in-laws Saturday night because our house was like 95 degrees and it is too hard to sleep when your skin feels like it is going to melt off:/ They never lost power. lucky ducks
Also I broke out with some crazy "prickly" rash all over my stomach. My older daughter is running a fever and my younger daughter has a stuffy/runny nose. I got up at 3:30 yesterday and Claira got up at 4:45!!!! Stayed up all day! This morning I got up to have my morning coffee and do my morning blog reading in peace. C got up... 5 mins later Lydia got up.. It is still dark.. They wanted to sleep together. Im trying to fix my husbands lunch and my coffee... Lids says her head hurts.. She has a low grade fever... AGAIN! :( and C is whining that she cant find her little brown baby doll (details about that in another post) ... I get them all tucked in along with hugs, kisses and ice water.. I tell them please don't get up again.. Go back to sleep...
2 mins later Im trying to pee in peace... ( that neeeeeevvvvveeeeerrr happens when my kids are awake) and Lids is already at the door asking for a cold rag on her head... As soon as I am done peeing I come out and get her one.. Tell them both to please go back to sleep...
I think I am finally in the clear when I hear little footsteps tiptoeing down the hall... Lids says "Uh-oh.. mommy I was trying to get more water in the dark and I spilled it all over your night stand" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I just freaked out.. she spilled it all over EVERYTHING.. good thing the laptop was actually on my husbands side of the bed for a change.. I yelled.. Like a little brat.. No I feel like a douche! not cool.. It has been 17 mins since I yelled at them and I regret it.. I don't like yelling at m y kids... Im so glad that I serve an almighty forgiving God.. I know he has already forgiven me but there is still no excuse for it... please tell ME THAT I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE GOING THRU THIS?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

being a SAHM is hard work!

AHHHHH! ok so I love love love my life as a mother and wife, but seriously, some days just suck (for lack of a better word) ... I feel torn between hanging out with my girls all day and getting all of the housework done.. I try so hard but the days I go out and take the girls to do things my house gets all crazy.. I feel fulfilled in spending time with them but guilty that my house looks like crap.. the days that I clean all day I feel bad about not spending time with the kids... oh well, im sure all mommies go through this..

Spring is def. in the air and it is making me happy.. I have been cleaning with the windows open and there is no comparison to that smell.. 
my little baby girl will be 1 next week:O( Im making her a bunny cake to smash and a strawberry jello cake for everyone else.. 

ok off to do more laundry:O) 

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tips on Tuesdays

When my microwave has lots of junk stuck all over it, I fill up a microwave safe bowl with water and cut a lemon in half and throw it in there with the water.. Pop that puppy in the micro for about 5 mins on high and pretty much EVERYTHING that is stuck in there will wipe right off with a damp paper towel, and the lemon adds a refreshing scent:O)

Friday, May 9, 2008

hey there

Hey everyone. It is 7:28 am.. I have been officialy up for about 2 hours, but up and down all night.. (I have a 4 week old gassy baby) I love her but man I would love some ear plugs for mothers day. Well I am off to bake a cake for my husbands 27th birthday...yaay:O)